We like to think of ourselves as musicians. We may be subjective, but we welcome any kind of feedback and especially new colleagues on our band. Our main genre is rhythm and blues, but we allow exceptions, too. Come and join us.
Year after year we gather memories along with our friends that visit us. Feel free to come by and relax at least for a few hours, away from the city.
We like to think of ourselves as musicians. We may be subjective, but we welcome any kind of feedback and especially new colleagues on our band. Our main genre is rhythm and blues, but we allow exceptions, too. Come and join us.
We encourage all the noble sports and snooker couldn't miss from this list. The premium table and the Clubhouse setup put you in the best mood for a match.
Our website address changed to www.golfselas.ro Please visit us on our new website. Thanks!
It started like a hobby and year after year, each event made showed us there is real interest for this noble sport.
12 august 2007, o zi specială, un eveniment high-class, marca SELAS! Blues, Polo & Golf Varsity, ce am putea să ne dorim mai mult de la un eveniment? Vă așteptăm!
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